School type
Magnet School
French international program grades
6th to 8th grade
Number of IS students
IE: 150+ / IS: 160+
School contact
School overview
Carver provides various language curriculums from grades 6th to 8th as well as an advanced and honors American curriculum.
To enroll your child in Carver Middle’s French program, apply through the Magnet Program Lottery. To apply, sign up between October 1st and January 15th. Results are communicated starting March 15th.
Students from IS elementary programs do not need to take a test when entering the IS program at Carver.
All other students must pass a language proficiency exam.
Key points
There are two French Program tracks at Carver Middle:
- International Studies Program (IS) serving students applying from an IS elementary school and/or via exam placement ;
- International Education (IE) beginners French program.
What it means for your child to go to Carver Middle School:
- a Label FrancEducation international school ;
- certified French teachers ;
- French Language, Mathematics and Humanities (History and geography), taught in French ;
- In addition, students must take four subjects taught in English: Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and an elective.
French department team
There are 5 teachers involved in the French Program IS&IE.
For more information on Carver Middle School and its French program, please contact our Carver Liaisons at contact.fipamiami@gmail.com.